Thursday 15 August 2013

Why NFP Is Relevant Now - With Ira Winter RN MSc BSc CFCP

A new dawn is rising on Natural Family Planning, one that brings hope and reliability for those searching for a wholesome, and empowering, and drug-free way to avoid pregnancy.

Where previous NFP methods were mostly calendar based, focused on pre-occurring information and translating it into a contraceptive plan that was supposed to work here-and- now, current methods won’t even take the previous menstruation date into consideration. How could that be? Well, modern NFP is not about the length of your cycle at all! It uses scientific markers, and can work predictably for those with irregular cycles, going through menopause, and even breastfeeding mothers who still have not experienced the return of menstruation.

The key to successful NFP is being aware of the fertility signs as and when ovulation is happening. If you can wake up in the morning, and be connected enough with your body to say, with confidence, “Hey, I’m fertile today” or “Nope, not fertile right now”  — now that is empowering. That is cutting edge. And that is the modern NFP.

NFP has gone through a transformation, but so has our general health, especially in regards to fertility. There seems to be an ever increasing number of couples who want to start a family are finding it simply impossible to conceive. IVF clinics, the cure-all for any fertility related issues, are popping up in every city and town. But what is causing the collapse of our ability to conceive naturally? Could it be our relationship to our fertility throughout our lives, an overdose of hormones, and our tendency to medicate out of the “problem” of fertility is affecting our ability to conceive  when it becomes the most important thing in the world?

When you open the door to modern NFP, you’ll undoubtedly be surprised at what you find.

Want an alternative to contraception that allows you to put your health first and is not laden with chemical hormones - you’ve got it here.

Want a family planning solution that is at the same time reliable but in-line with your faith? This may very well be the answer you're looking for.

Want birth control that gives you the tools to be connected with your powerful and beautiful femininity ? Again, you’ve found your ally.

Maybe you’re in a close and committed relationship, and you feel suppressed and invalidated by closing the door on a conversation about sex and conception because you automatically are expected to take a pill every morning. Well, the wellspring of deep connectedness that evolves from taking on NFP as your contraceptive decision together with your spouse will be a breath of fresh air.

In our world of 24 hour news, non-stop sharing, and the constant flow of information, it is a wonder why women are still sitting in the dark when it comes to their fertility. It is time to embrace the new era, an era where you are able to make informed decisions about your body, where nature is once again finding her voice in our fast paced world, and where you can finally feel completely at peace with natural, and ethical, family planning. 

Special Thanks to Ira Winter RN MSc BSc CFCP at Life FertilityCare for making this blog post possible. 
To learn more about the wide ranging benefits of NFP visit .