Thursday, 7 July 2011

Knowledge is Power - Understanding Your Fertile Phase

There are many potential reasons why the pregnancy you are longing for fails to materialise and it is not always down to organic factors. Lifestyle factors such as medication, diet, weight and overall health can have a large impact on your chances of getting pregnant. Simply knowing your fertile phase, that small window each cycle when you're able to conceive can increase your chances dramatically.

Before trying to get pregnant, many women are usually unaware of the symptoms which are characteristic of the fertile cycle phase.

A woman can conceive only when she has sex during the few days around ovulation. Therefore, on most other days in her cycle, a woman is infertile. Many women can recall from biology lessons at school that a woman is supposed to ovulate around the 14th day of her cycle. While this may be the case for some women, there is not enough detailed information to say it applies to everyone.

ovulation spike

The fertile phase within the cycle can vary from cycle to cycle, especially since cycles and ovulation can be influenced by outside factors such as diet, stress, and illness.

Because there are so many things that can cause variations within each cycle, identifying the fertile days and ovulation is often difficult. Knowing when you are ovulating will maximise your chances of getting pregnant by allowing you to coordinate your love life with your ovulation.

Fertility monitors are excellent tools which allow you to pinpoint the exact days when sexual intercourse has the highest chance of resulting in pregnancy. Many couples use these to determine their ovulation days and are thus able to become pregnant sooner than those who are unaware of their ovulation cycles.

Have a look at our articles and check out the video below to learn more about ovulation and fertility cycles and how being aware of these occurrences can help bring about pregnancy.

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