Monday, 17 October 2011

Knowledge: The Noninvasive Birth Control

Using knowledge as a form of birth control is perhaps one of the best options out there and the article below explains why. Why increase your chances of breast cancer, infertility and other awful illnesses by using hormonal contraception? Empower yourself and start relying on your own knowledge to control your fertility!

(NaturalNews) As of now, the FDA has yet to approve of a safe option for birth control. The pill has been linked to higher breast cancer risk, the Depo Provera shot to infertility and osteoporosis, and the Mirena IUD to spontaneous abortions and even death. The Nuva Ring and the Patch can result in weight gain and blood clots, which can increase a woman`s risk of having heart attacks and strokes. Women are taught that the risk of pregnancy cannot be avoided unless they take one of these hormone-altering drugs. They are taught to treat fertility like a disease and medicate it away, not realizing what a detrimental effect this can cause on long-term health. They are rarely taught the usefulness of fertility tracking as a means of monitoring one's probability for pregnancy throughout the cycle.

Read the full article here.

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