Monday, 28 November 2011

Tragic Abortion Mix-Up

An expecting mother carrying twins in Australia has suffered an incredible tragedy this past week.
After learning from her doctor, that one of her 32 week year old twins had a serious congenital heart defect, she decided to have him aborted. During the surgery, the surgeons accidentally aborted the healthy baby.

We are so sorry for this woman's heartache and loss here at Natural Family Planning and hope that this woman finds the strength to get past this awful tragedy somehow.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Russia Restricts Abortions As Population Dips

This news story about Russia restricting abortions in attempt to solve the problem of decreasing population caught our attention this past weekend. Here at EFP, we like to stay on top of current events which pertain to birth and all aspects of family planning, so this was especially interesting to us. As an unbiased informative website, we appreciate generating discussions among our readers and providing content which does exactly that.

Russia's parliament has adopted a controversial law restricting abortions in an attempt to tackle the country's population collapse.

The UN predicted that, by 2050, Russia's population will shrink by a fifth to 116 million.

Critics of the change in law said limiting women's choice is the wrong way to tackle the problem, in a country where women are almost twice as likely to have an abortion as a live birth.

Read the full article here

Feel free to leave comments and opinions about the new restrictions Russia is placing on abortions on our thread below.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Switching from a Diaphragm to the Femcap

We found a great blog post about one woman's switch from using diaphragms to the FemCap. Like many other women who have made the same switch, this user found the diaphragm to be inconvenient at times, especially when they had to change sizes. Unlike the diaphragm, the size of your femcap is determined by your birth history, so you use the same size until you give birth, then switch to a new size once you've had your baby.

Most FemCap users find it be more user-friendly and comfortable than the diaphragm. It's smaller, more modern and comes in a more conspicuous carrying case. Like the diaphragm, it can be used with ContraGel, the natural alternative to spermicide instead of the more generic, harsher spermicides that contain Nonoxynol-9.

Check out her story!

I've been a diaphragm user for most of my adult life and over the past few years, I've found it increasingly hard to get a hold of. I assume the difficulty can be attributed to the popularity of hormonal birth control and how prevelant it is in our society today. I found my last diaphragm about a year ago from this I was really happy with the diaphragm and the process of ordering online (which I was a little apprehensive to do at first). But last week, I went to my gynaecologist and she told me I needed to move up a size. I was a bit bummed because I wasn't planning on having to buy another diaphragm for a while. Then, my gynocologist told me about something called a FemCap, which is a cervical cap for women, which size is only dependent on a woman's birth history, which is more straight forward than the sizing of diaphragms. (it only changes if/after you give birth)