Monday, 5 December 2011

Hormonal Contraception Pollutes the Environment

In the past few years, reports around the world have been shedding light on the damage that synthetic birth control hormones have been wreaking on our environment. One of the most prevalent effects they are having on our environment is happening in our water and to the fish that live there. The hormones which are being pumped into the water through sewage systems is causing the sex of fish stocks to change. Scientists have also been warning the public of the possible carcinogenic effects of the build-up of estrogenic chemicals that are now found in drinking water.

Gender ambiguity in fish due to high levels of estrogen in the weather was first reported by the UK Environment Agency back in 2002. A survey of 1500 fish at located in 50 different river sites found that more than a third of the males displayed female characteristics

Because of the effect the estrogen is having on fish, researchers at Brunel University’s Institute for the Environment now warn of the affect estrogen can have on the reproductive ability of humans. They have even called for a reassessment of EU legislation regulating chemicals and stated: “There is a cocktail of chemicals in our fresh water. We need to consider tougher safety margins to fully protect wildlife and humans."

In 2005, scientists at the University of Colorado found that out of 123 fish caught in Boulder Creek, downstream from the Boulder sewage treatment plant, 101 were female, 12 were male and 10 had both male and female characteristics. This discovery was very frightening for the scientists because of its potential impact.

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh also investigated the fish population, this time in the Allegheny River near storm sewer outflow pipes, where the local population relies on the local water systems for drinking water, and discovered the same deformations. One of the doctors at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Environmental Oncology, warned that this increase in steroid hormones in drinking water of Pittsburgh is worrying and a threat to health. Studies have shown there is a link between contraceptive estrogen and hormone problems as well as some cancers.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that other study results have shown ambiguous gender in 85 per cent of the catfish caught on the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers. Chemicals extracted from 25 randomly sampled fish caused growth of estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells cultured in a laboratory, eleven of which "produced very aggressive cancer growth".

Despite all of this alarming evidence, scientists and environmental groups are careful to avoid recommending restrictions on artificial contraceptives.

The National Catholic Register, reporting on the issue, quotes George Harden, a board member of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, saying "If you’re killing mosquitoes to save people from the West Nile virus, you can count on secular environmentalists to lay down in front of the vapour truck, claiming some potential side effect that might result from the spray," Harden said. "But if birth control deforms fish - backed by the proof of an EPA study - and threatens the drinking supply, mum will be the word." A water quality issues chairman for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Sierra Club International also took the opinion that people ‘would not take kindly’ to the suggestion of banning or restricting hormonal contraceptives because it’s seen as an economic necessity and also an issue of personal freedom.

Of course, an ideal solution to this contamination would be for women to give up the pill and began practicing natural contraception, which does not involve the use of any synthetic, hormonal or potentially environmentally dangerous ingredients. Natural contraception can be learned easily and can be practiced to avoid or even plan for a pregnancy, making it effective for all stages of a woman's fertile life. Many women choose to use contraceptive monitors such as Cyclotest 2 Plus to practice natural contraception, which simplifies the process of fertility charting. If you'd like to learn more about natural contraception and see how it stacks up against other forms of birth control, check out this article.

So, what do you think about the connection between hormonal contraceptives and the contamination of our environment and drinking water. Should there be restrictions to reduce the amount of contamination or is it easier to look the other way and wait till a more shocking discovery is published? Is it our responsibility as citizens to protect the environment or the governments? We’d love to hear your comments on our contraceptive forum!

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