Stay healthy and increase your fertility by incorporating healthy,
varied, vitamin rich foods into your diet, and supplementing with a
multivitamin. Creating a new life is a complicated process, and each
vitamin or mineral has a unique role in keeping your hormones perfectly
balanced and making sure all necessary reproductive functions working
Don't forget to engage your partner is this process –– vitamins are
important for him as well! Vitamins play a key role in keeping the
structure and make up of sperm healthy and able to easily able to
impregnate the egg.
The body best absorbs vitamins from whole foods, so your first
evaluate your eating habits and make sure you are eating an assortment
of vitamin rich foods. Don't graze on empty calories. By staying focused
on eating well and you are staying focused on optimizing your fertility
and protecting the fetus growing side of you.
It is also beneficial to supplement your diet with a multivitamin.
There are some vitamins, such as folic acid, which are extraordinarily
important in the forming of a healthy fetus, and are hard to get in
adequate amounts through food alone. Taking a prenatal vitamin from the
time you begin trying to conceive will ensure you are stocking up on all
the right nutrients and will increase your chances of getting pregnant
and gving birth to a healthy perfect baby.
Vitamin A
Think of Vitamin A as the foundation vitamin. It serves the role of
allowing alll the other vitamins that are essential to reproductive
health to be absorbed into the body. Vitamin A also aids in the creation
of male and female sexual hormones, supports the body’s defenses, and
has antioxidant properties.
Get Vitamin A from egg yolks, oily fish, butter, and orange colored fruit & vegetables.
Folic acid
The importance of this B-Complex vitamin can not be understated. It
allows for the creation of healthy cells, and has been shown to greatly
reduce the risk of Spina Bifida and other birth defects of the spine and
brain. Doctors recommend taking a folic acid supplement for at least
three months before you conceive to help build a supportive environment
for the fetus and improve fertility.
Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans,
peas and nuts, but it can be hard to consume the amount doctors
recommend. We highly encourage you to take a supplemental folic acid
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6, the second component to the B-Complex family, it
harmonizes the female sexual hormones and has been shown to increase
It can be found in lean meat, eggs, dairy products, bananas, avocados, seeds, lentils , and wholemeal products.
Vitamin B12
Is one of the most important vitamins for reproductive health in both
men and women. It supports sperm production and enables the creation of
cell DNA and RNA to insure normal genetic makeup. It allows for the
absorption of iron, and supports egg maturation prior to ovulation.
Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, and dairy products.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is helpful aid to the fertility both partners. In men, it
promotes healthy sperm mobility from by preventing the sperm cells from
sticking to one another. In women, it is a vital antioxidant that
increase the the immune system and stabilizes hormonal levels. However,
women should be careful because too much Vitamin C can cause the
cervical mucus to become dry.
One of the best sources of vitamin C is citrus fruits. It is also found in berries, kiwis, cabbage, broccoli, spinach.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known for strengthening bones and teeth, but new
research shows that couples undergoing IVF treatments who take a vitamin
D supplement are more likely to achieve a pregnancy.
Vitamin D is found in egg yolks, oily fish, butter.
This mineral supports the creation of the alkalized environment best
suited for a fertilized egg to implant and grow into a healthy baby.
Calcium can be found in milk, broccoli, nuts, and seeds.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E aids in the absorption of the essential fatty acids that
produce hormones necessary for reproduction. It is an important element
for healthy skin, nerves, and muscles, and creation of red blood
corpuscles that have a direct result on reproductive capacity.
Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, nuts, seeds, and wholemeal products.
Iron is critical to the production of healthy viable eggs. A study
showed women who used iron supplements had 40 percent less risk of
producing nonviable eggs than those with iron deficiency. Pregnant women
can also easily become anemic and are often encouraged to take an iron
High levels of iron are found in red meat, spinach, blackstrap molasses and lentils.
Optimize Your Body for Fertility
There is nothing more natural then the body's ability to reproduce.
This unbelievable complex yet basic function has kept the world turning
since the beginning of time, however, our modern lifestyle can upset our
natural rhythm and cause fertility issues. When you are trying to
conceive, it is wise to be especially careful about what enters your
body. Make sure you avoid unhealthy foods and substances that can toxify
the body and stock your body with vitamins and minerals that will help
you harness the remarkable power of reproduction that lies within your
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