Friday, 12 April 2013

Surprise! The Pill Linked to Cancer

In 2007 the World Health Organization determined that oral contraceptives were Group I carcinogens, which are capable of causing several cancers in women, including breast cancer.  Unfortunately their findings have yet to be published in mainstream media, therefore many doctors aren’t aware of the risks and continue to prescribe oral contraceptives to their patients.

A new study widens this risk to include African-American women.  Scientists at Boston University School of Medicine followed 53,848 African-American women for an average of 12 years, beginning in 1995.  They found 789 cases of breast cancer.  Of these cases, the number of estrogen receptor-negative cases was 65% greater in women who had used the pill.  Such breast cancers have a worse prognosis than estrogen receptor-positive tumors.  The risk for breast cancer was greatest in women who had used the pill within five years and whose use was greater than ten years.

Funding for the study was provided by the National Cancer Institute.


Oral Contraceptive Use and Estrogen/Progesterone Receptor–Negative Breast Cancer among African American Women:

There Are Alternatives!

Hormonal contraception is easy to use and easy for doctors to prescribe, but is not the only contraceptive choice out there.  Take a look around our site and educate yourself about other options before you make a decision. Make sure you read our information on side effects and pollution. Not because we're anti-pill but just because we know that not enough balanced information is presented to a woman when seeking contraceptive advse from her Doctor.          

Remember, only one egg per cycle is produced in fertile women and that egg can only be fertilized for about 18 hours. By just avoiding intercourse or using a barrier contraceptive during your most fertile time, pregnancy can be avoided without having to constantly alter your hormonal balance. Take a look at our information on fertility awareness, fertility charting and contraceptive monitors like Cyclotest.         

Check it out, do your homework, and speak with your partner and doctor about alternative forms of birth control!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Sex For Pregnancy - When and How Often?

No one wants love making to become a chore. Learn to maximize your sex during your most fertile time period so the rest of the month you can keep your sex life spontaneous and impulsive. Because at the end of the day, how often you have sex is not nearly as important as having sex at the right time.

Sex During the Fertile Window

A women is fertile for only a few hours each cycle. Add those hours to the lifespan of the man’s sperm and you have a fertile window of roughly five or six days. Many couples’ attempts to conceive are unsuccessful simply because they are having sex when getting pregnant is unlikely or even impossible.

Its simple. Couples who know when they are fertile and use this information to time their intimacy accordingly are more likely to get pregnant than those who don't. This knowledge alleviates the pressure that couples experience when they feel they "have to" have sex almost every day in order to increase their chances at conception. When you have the confidence to time your intimacy perfectly, you can have sex as often as you'd like. Some doctors do recommend having sex every other day within the fertile window for the maximum probability of becoming pregnant.

But because ovulation occurs hidden, deep within your body, it can be difficult to identify exactly when it takes place. Luckily, child planning monitors such as Cyclotest Baby display and forecast when you are fertile and ovulating based on your personal cycle data. Take a look below for more information on Cyclotest Baby

Lovemaking Tips for Conception

You just need one sperm out of millions to reach and impregnate your fertile egg, so here are some tips to help that process along.

Successful lovemaking
✺ Avoid anything that could alter the natural vaginal environment including saliva or lubricant creams. It is best to also avoid washing with soap immediately before intercourse.

✺ Choose a position in which the woman is lying beneath the man.

✺ Prop your pelvis up with pillows during sex so that the sperm can flow directly into the neck of the uterus.

✺ Avoid standing up during sex.

✺ Lay still with your pelvis propped up after sex.

Avoid Pressure and Frustration

When a couple decides to stop using contraception and try for a baby pressure filled sex can become a serious strain on the relationship. Couples often feel they have to have sex all the time and hope that they will 'get lucky' and the sperm will find a vital egg. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable and fun; if it is something on the calendar that you have to get done, it can quickly loose that spark. Moreover, when a man is faced with the pressure to perform, he can often experience erectile dysfunction and a pronounced loss of libido.

As a couple, find your personal balance between child-planning sex and and spontaneous sex outside the fertile phase.

A fertility monitor plays an important role in keeping your sex life relaxed and enjoyable. When you have the information of precisely when you ovulate, you no longer feel the need to have sex all the time; you can plan one or two love making randevús during your fertility window, and leave the rest of the month for your natural sex drive to take over.

Cyclotest Baby To The Rescue

cylotest baby
Cyclotest Baby is a small handheld device with an integrated digital thermometer that automatically charts your fertility and gives you a clear visual of what days are optimal for baby-making sex.

There are only a few days each month that you are able to conceive, and many couples don't have a clear idea of when that time is. They either try to overcompensate by having sex all the time and sacrifice the exhilaration sex is supposed to bring, or under perform and do not end up having sex at a time when lovemaking could lead to pregnancy leaving them disappointed and frustrated. The Cyclotest Baby gives you indispensable clarity and understanding. It is so simple to use, and yet can completely transform the time period that you are trying to conceive.

cylotest baby
All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

No more guessing ovulation dates or trying to figure out difficult charts. No more sex as a baby-making chore. With one simple device and a few seconds in the morning, you will be in relaxed, excited, and in control as you begin your journey towards parenthood.

Read the original article on our website:

Creating Life - The Basics

A fascinating syntheses of factors must join together at the perfect time for life to be created inside a women's womb. The relatively simple process of a sperm cell that is capable of fertilizing, and an egg cell that is capable of being fertilized, is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath these two factors are a myriad of other systems that unite with absolute precision in order to form conception.

The Basics of Female Fertility

After ovulation, the egg cell is capable of being fertilized for only 12-18 hours per cycle. For this reason, the timing must be exactly right for pregnancy to occur. Because a woman only ovulates once per cycle, if she has a relatively short cycle, a women might only be fertile for fourteen days out of the entire year!

If the egg cell is not fertilized during the few hours that it is viable, it dissolves in to the uterine lining and menstruation begins two weeks later.

The following is a basic outline of some of the elements that make up the female reproductive cycle.

✺ The egg stored in the ovary must mature normally and then leave the ovary during what is known as ovulation

✺ The Fallopian tubes picks up and receives the egg from the surface of the ovary using its fimbriae (finger-like projections).

✺ The woman's vaginal passages open to allow the sperm to enter the Fallopian tubes where the sperm can fertilize the egg.

✺ The fertilized egg is transported into the uterus

✺ Sperm cells must be created in sufficient numbers, quality, and motility.

✺ The sperm cells have to be present at the exact time an viable egg is released n the fallopian tubes

✺ The uterine lining must be prepared to receive the egg and allow impregnation

Male Fertility - The Patient Sperm

When a man ejaculates, several million sperm swim through the vagina and, if they find suitable conditions, it is only a matter of a few minutes before the first sperm cells enter the uterus itself. From there, they continue their journey towards the fallopian tubes where they wait to connect with an egg. Any sperm that did not immediately make it to the fallopian tubes make themselves comfortable in the folds of the uterine lining, and after some time has passed, begin their own slow journey towards the fallopian tubes.

If there is a viable egg waiting in the fallopian tubes, meaning the women ovulated that day, one single lucky sperm will penetrate the egg and the magic of a new life begins. After that first sperm has penetrated, the egg membrane hardens blocking the entry of any other sperm.

If the sperm enters the fallopian tubes and does not find an egg waiting to greet it, the sperm will hang out for up to five days waiting for the egg to be released. This is why the fertility window, the window of time during which a couple can conceive, is around five days and not just the one day the egg is viable.

 A Boy or A Girl?

Semen contains two types of sperm, X sperm and Y sperm. If X sperm penetrates the egg, the baby will be a girl. If Y sperm penetrates the egg, the baby will be a girl. All semen contains virtually the same number of X and Y sperm, so it is a race to  the finish line to determine if the baby will be a boy or a girl. Fastest sperm wins.

There are some methods, such as the Shettles Method, that analyze the different characteristics of X and Y sperm to try to aid in the conception of a the desired sex. Male sperm are faster but die quicker, female sperm are slower but will last longer inside the uterus.

If a couple tracks their fertility, they will be able to determine the exact date of ovulation. If they have sex on the day of ovulation, it is more likely that a fast swimming boy sperm will make it to the egg first. If they have sex before the date of ovulation, when the sperm has to sit around for a bit waiting for the egg to be released, chances are the heartier girl sperm will be there to greet the egg.

Note that you probably will not want to limit your intimacy during your fertile window if achieving a pregnancy is more important to you then having a specific gender baby.

Timing is Everything

Timing is everything, and nowhere is that more true then when you are trying to get pregnant. Because the egg is only viable for such a short amount of time, it is easy for you and your partner to inadvertently not have sex during the fertile window and miss the chance to conceive. If this happens month after month, you may end up frustrated and confused, the desire for a pregnancy taking a toll on your relationship and everything around you.

Cyclotest Baby can aid conception
Avoid the heartache by tracking your fertility as soon as you start trying for a baby.Many couples are not getting pregnant simply because they often only have sex with their partners at times when conceiving is unlikely or even impossible. You can significantly increase your chances of conception by having sex during your fertile times. First, you must acquire a true understand your unique fertility window, and not simply guess your ovulation date from the midpoint of your cycle.

With a fertility monitor like Cyclotest Baby, you will have access to intimate knowledge about your fertility and within three months have a 68% chance of becoming pregnant.All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

Find the original article here:

Vitamins For Increasing Fertility

vitamins for fertility and pregnancy
Stay healthy and increase your fertility by incorporating healthy, varied, vitamin rich foods into your diet, and supplementing with a multivitamin. Creating a new life is a complicated process, and each vitamin or mineral has a unique role in keeping your hormones perfectly balanced and making sure all necessary reproductive functions working perfectly.

Don't forget to engage your partner is this process –– vitamins are important for him as well! Vitamins play a key role in keeping the structure and make up of sperm healthy and able to easily able to impregnate the egg.

The body best absorbs vitamins from whole foods, so your first evaluate your eating habits and make sure you are eating an assortment of vitamin rich foods. Don't graze on empty calories. By staying focused on eating well and you are staying focused on optimizing your fertility and protecting the fetus growing side of you.

It is also beneficial to supplement your diet with a multivitamin. There are some vitamins, such as folic acid, which are extraordinarily important in the forming of a healthy fetus, and are hard to get in adequate amounts through food alone. Taking a prenatal vitamin from the time you begin trying to conceive will ensure you are stocking up on all the right nutrients and will increase your chances of getting pregnant and gving birth to a healthy perfect baby.

Vitamin A

Think of Vitamin A as the foundation vitamin. It serves the role of allowing alll the other vitamins that are essential to reproductive health to be absorbed into the body. Vitamin A also aids in the creation of male and female sexual hormones, supports the body’s defenses, and has antioxidant properties.

Get Vitamin A from egg yolks, oily fish, butter,  and orange colored fruit & vegetables.

Folic acid

The importance of this B-Complex vitamin can not be understated. It allows for the creation of healthy cells, and has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of Spina Bifida and other birth defects of the spine and brain. Doctors recommend taking a folic acid supplement for at least three months before you conceive to help build a supportive environment for the fetus and improve fertility.

Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans, peas and nuts, but it can be hard to consume the amount doctors recommend. We highly encourage you to take a supplemental folic acid vitamin.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, the second component to the B-Complex family, it harmonizes the female sexual hormones and has been shown to increase fertility.

It can be found in lean meat, eggs, dairy products, bananas, avocados, seeds, lentils , and wholemeal products.

Vitamin B12

Is one of the most important vitamins for reproductive health in both men and women. It supports sperm production and enables the creation of cell DNA and RNA to insure normal genetic makeup. It allows for the absorption of iron, and supports egg maturation prior to ovulation.

Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, and dairy products.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is helpful aid to the fertility both partners. In men, it promotes healthy sperm mobility from by preventing the sperm cells from sticking to one another. In women, it is a vital antioxidant that increase the the immune system and stabilizes hormonal levels. However, women should be careful because too much Vitamin C can cause the cervical mucus to become dry.

One of the best sources of vitamin C is citrus fruits. It is also found in berries, kiwis, cabbage, broccoli, spinach.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is  known for strengthening bones and teeth, but new research shows that couples undergoing IVF treatments who take a vitamin D supplement are more likely to achieve a pregnancy.

Vitamin D is found in egg yolks, oily fish, butter.


This mineral supports the creation of the alkalized environment best suited for a fertilized egg to implant and grow into a healthy baby.

Calcium can be found in milk, broccoli, nuts, and seeds.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E aids in the absorption of the essential fatty acids that produce hormones necessary for reproduction. It is an important element for healthy skin, nerves, and muscles, and creation of red blood corpuscles that have a direct result on reproductive capacity.

Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, nuts, seeds, and wholemeal products.


Iron is critical to the production of healthy viable eggs. A study showed women who used iron supplements had  40 percent less risk of producing nonviable eggs than those with iron deficiency. Pregnant women can also easily become anemic and are often encouraged to take an iron supplement.

High levels of iron are found in red meat, spinach, blackstrap molasses and lentils.

Optimize Your Body for Fertility

There is nothing more natural then the body's ability to reproduce. This unbelievable complex yet basic function has kept the world turning since the beginning of time, however, our modern lifestyle can upset our natural rhythm and cause fertility issues. When you are trying to conceive, it is wise to be especially careful about what enters your body. Make sure you avoid unhealthy foods and substances that can toxify the body and stock your body with vitamins and minerals that will help you harness the remarkable power of reproduction that lies within your body.

Read the original article here:

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant?

pregnant couple
Its great to see the world through rose colored glasses, but during the time when you are trying to conceive, you just might start seeing the world through baby-colored glasses. Everywhere you look you see women putting a protective hand over their pregnant bellies, checking out the latest baby gear, or pushing a stroller merrily down the street.

You want to get pregnant, and you want it quickly. But don't stress. Conception is a natural process that will vary in length between each women, and being patient will keep you clam and happy during this exciting time.

Without medical assistance, 60% of women get pregnant within six months of coming off contraception, and 85% will conceive within one year. Half of the remaining 15% will get pregnant naturally over the next few years. If you want to dramatically increase those numbers, it can be useful to track your fertility with a monitor such as Cyclotest Baby.

These monitors allow you to pinpoint your specific date of ovulation and time your intimacy accordingly. Studies show that 38% of women who monitor their fertility this way get pregnant after 1 cycle, 68% after 3 cycles and 81% after 6 cycles. Only 8% of women don't get pregnant with in a year, and of those, half conceived naturally with int the next few year.

Average Conception Rates

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pregnant           60 %           85 %
not pregnant           40 %           15 %

Conception Rates Through Sex On The Fertile Days

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pregnant     68 %     81 %           92 %
not pregnant     32 %     19 %           8 %

cylotest baby
Many women are not getting pregnant simply because they often only have sex with their partners at times when conceiving is unlikely or even impossible. You can significantly increase your chances of conception by having sex during your fertile times. First, you must acquire a true understand your unique fertility window, and not simply guess your ovulation date from the midpoint of your cycle.

With a fertility monitor like Cyclotest Baby, you will have access to intimate knowledge about your fertility and within three months have a 68% chance of becoming pregnant. All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

Age Influences Fertility

Age is a very significant factor when it comes to fertility. You are born with all the eggs you will ever produce, and as you age, these eggs mature. Around 30 years old, although there a probably no outward symptoms of reproductive aging, fertility begins to decrease. 75% of couples with the women above age 35 will still be able to conceive naturally, but that means that 1/3 will not. It is advisable for these couples to consult with a fertility expert if they do not become pregnant after six months of trying.

Fertility Consultants Can Help

If you are trying to conceive but have not been successful within six months to a year, your doctor who may recommend seeing a fertility expert. During the first visit the consultant does access to your personal data, so the meeting probably simply be an informative chat from which the process of testing and collecting data can begin.

However if you have been charting your fertility with Cyclotest Baby, and you have a complete cycle history, menstruation dates, temperature charts, BBT records, that first consultation will look very different. You will be many steps ahead in the game, and that can lead to an early diagnosis of some conditions.

Don't be alarmed or ashamed if you need to seek expert advice about your fertility. Science has come very far in the past few years, and many times minor interventions can easily result in that pregnancy you've been dreaming of.

Read original article here