Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Creating Life - The Basics

A fascinating syntheses of factors must join together at the perfect time for life to be created inside a women's womb. The relatively simple process of a sperm cell that is capable of fertilizing, and an egg cell that is capable of being fertilized, is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath these two factors are a myriad of other systems that unite with absolute precision in order to form conception.

The Basics of Female Fertility

After ovulation, the egg cell is capable of being fertilized for only 12-18 hours per cycle. For this reason, the timing must be exactly right for pregnancy to occur. Because a woman only ovulates once per cycle, if she has a relatively short cycle, a women might only be fertile for fourteen days out of the entire year!

If the egg cell is not fertilized during the few hours that it is viable, it dissolves in to the uterine lining and menstruation begins two weeks later.

The following is a basic outline of some of the elements that make up the female reproductive cycle.

✺ The egg stored in the ovary must mature normally and then leave the ovary during what is known as ovulation

✺ The Fallopian tubes picks up and receives the egg from the surface of the ovary using its fimbriae (finger-like projections).

✺ The woman's vaginal passages open to allow the sperm to enter the Fallopian tubes where the sperm can fertilize the egg.

✺ The fertilized egg is transported into the uterus

✺ Sperm cells must be created in sufficient numbers, quality, and motility.

✺ The sperm cells have to be present at the exact time an viable egg is released n the fallopian tubes

✺ The uterine lining must be prepared to receive the egg and allow impregnation

Male Fertility - The Patient Sperm

When a man ejaculates, several million sperm swim through the vagina and, if they find suitable conditions, it is only a matter of a few minutes before the first sperm cells enter the uterus itself. From there, they continue their journey towards the fallopian tubes where they wait to connect with an egg. Any sperm that did not immediately make it to the fallopian tubes make themselves comfortable in the folds of the uterine lining, and after some time has passed, begin their own slow journey towards the fallopian tubes.

If there is a viable egg waiting in the fallopian tubes, meaning the women ovulated that day, one single lucky sperm will penetrate the egg and the magic of a new life begins. After that first sperm has penetrated, the egg membrane hardens blocking the entry of any other sperm.

If the sperm enters the fallopian tubes and does not find an egg waiting to greet it, the sperm will hang out for up to five days waiting for the egg to be released. This is why the fertility window, the window of time during which a couple can conceive, is around five days and not just the one day the egg is viable.

 A Boy or A Girl?

Semen contains two types of sperm, X sperm and Y sperm. If X sperm penetrates the egg, the baby will be a girl. If Y sperm penetrates the egg, the baby will be a girl. All semen contains virtually the same number of X and Y sperm, so it is a race to  the finish line to determine if the baby will be a boy or a girl. Fastest sperm wins.

There are some methods, such as the Shettles Method, that analyze the different characteristics of X and Y sperm to try to aid in the conception of a the desired sex. Male sperm are faster but die quicker, female sperm are slower but will last longer inside the uterus.

If a couple tracks their fertility, they will be able to determine the exact date of ovulation. If they have sex on the day of ovulation, it is more likely that a fast swimming boy sperm will make it to the egg first. If they have sex before the date of ovulation, when the sperm has to sit around for a bit waiting for the egg to be released, chances are the heartier girl sperm will be there to greet the egg.

Note that you probably will not want to limit your intimacy during your fertile window if achieving a pregnancy is more important to you then having a specific gender baby.

Timing is Everything

Timing is everything, and nowhere is that more true then when you are trying to get pregnant. Because the egg is only viable for such a short amount of time, it is easy for you and your partner to inadvertently not have sex during the fertile window and miss the chance to conceive. If this happens month after month, you may end up frustrated and confused, the desire for a pregnancy taking a toll on your relationship and everything around you.

Cyclotest Baby can aid conception
Avoid the heartache by tracking your fertility as soon as you start trying for a baby.Many couples are not getting pregnant simply because they often only have sex with their partners at times when conceiving is unlikely or even impossible. You can significantly increase your chances of conception by having sex during your fertile times. First, you must acquire a true understand your unique fertility window, and not simply guess your ovulation date from the midpoint of your cycle.

With a fertility monitor like Cyclotest Baby, you will have access to intimate knowledge about your fertility and within three months have a 68% chance of becoming pregnant.All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

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