Congratulations! You are off the pill and are ready to take the first steps towards bringing a new baby into your family. This is an exciting chapter in you and your partner's lives, one full of fresh and exciting hopes and dreams.
Q: How long after taking the pill can we start trying to conceive?
A: After making the decision that the time is right to have a baby, of course you want to see the positive sign on the pregnancy test right away. Any delay can be really difficult! But women are often advised to wait roughly three months after coming off the pill before trying to get pregnant.Three months is approximately how long the body takes to get back to its natural rhythm after experiencing a surge in hormones. In some cases, it can take up to 18 months for the hormonal balance required for pregnancy to be restored. This is especially common if a combined pill (progesterone/estrogen) was used.
So while you can feel free to get busy trying right away, don't be alarmed if it takes you a while as your body adjusts and tries to find its natural hormonal balance.
Q: What should I know about becoming pregnant after coming off a three-month hormonal injection cycle?
A:Trying to get pregnant after coming off a cycle of the three month injection method of birth control has an even greater disadvantage. As a result of the injection dramatically altering the cervical mucus, it is commonly advised to wait twelve months or even longer conceive.
Its hard to get away from it, the bottom line is that an influx of hormones will alter you body's natural rhythm, and you may have to wait quite a while to actually become pregnant. This waiting time can be agonizing - after all, the reason you stopped using contraception was so that you could finally see the long awaited plus sign on the pregnancy test!
Q: What can I do restore my natural system after coming off hormones?
It is clear that traditional birth control methods, with their hormonal altering substances, are going to take a toll on the natural system of your body, and can affect your general health and your desire to become pregnant. The liver filters all the toxins out of our body and is especially taxed by the overload of synthetic hormones. Additionally, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, that are in charge sending hormonal messages, are also thrown out of balance with the influx of synthetic hormones.Fresh wholesome foods can help you detox your body and bring it back to its natural state of functioning. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber aid in hormonal production while green leafy vegetables are critical in detoxing the liver. Medication can also cause a general depletion of vitamins so be sure to eat a rich varied diet and supplement your intake with a with a multi or prenatal vitamin.
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