We were young and in love, married for 4 years, and ready to open a new chapter of our lives.
And it went just as we planned. I stopped taking the pill, my period resumed, and within a few months we were gleefully prancing around our small living room waving the positive pregnancy test in the air. The months that followed were full of anticipation, ultrasounds, and baby furniture buying.
Fast forward 5 years. We were ready for Number Two. More then ready for number two in fact, we had been trying for five months. And it was beginning to get stressful.
Life was different while we were hoping to conceive Number Two. Trying to stay on top of my accounting job, shuttle Dusten to soccer, make dinner, stay on top of bills, and perhaps spend time with my husband. And then on top of it, the baby thing. There was the burning desire to expand our family coupled with inevitable reality of ‘not this month.’ Yeah, that was stress.
Carrie - Age 36
Sound familiar? You're not alone. The time gap between when a couple decides they are ready for a baby, and when that baby decides to actually come along, can often be longer than anticipated, leading to frustration and disappointment month after month. Then, to add to the stress, studies show that stress itself can impede conception, - so you’ll probably end up stressed about the stress you feel!
Here we’ve compiled three top tips for maintaining balance and serenity as you embark on your journey towards parenthood.
1. Eat A Colorful Diet. No we don’t mean skittles! If you're eating a balanced, energizing diet, chances are you are going to feel balanced and energized. Assess your diet by taking a look at the colors on your plate. Are you eating a naturally colorful diet, abundant with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nutrient dense proteins? Think bright red tomatoes, rich green avocado, wild pink salmon, and blueberries. Be creative, and have fun.
2. Take The Pressure Off By Knowing Your Fertility Window. Its important to nurture your relationship with your husband, but the thought of a ‘fun date’ or ‘spontaneous sex’ can be quite challenging when you're pinning a lot of hope on each time you make love. But it doesn't have to be that way.
3. Keep calm and Carry on. Print out your favorite version and tape it on to your refrigerator or above your desk. Don’t let the small, or even big, bumps in your day or week get you down. Throughout the day, coffee will spill on white shirts, plans will have to change, and expectations will be dashed. Holding on to negative experiences after they occur adds more stress to your body, so it is important to breath and move on.
Put these tips into practice right away, and you’ll see how much better you feel about yourself. Perhaps you’ll even see that elusive plus sign sooner than you’d think!
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