There is a lot of information to learn in order to start implementing the Sympto-Thermal method, but don't worry, we're going to break it all down for you right here.
The most important thing that you are going to need is determination. Once you have the determination to be hormone free and environmentally friendly, your already well on you way. And we're sure you'll feel the investment is totally worth the effort.
The cornerstone of using the Sympto-Thermal Method is to write down the daily information you gather about your body on a downloadable fertility chart. Then, you just have to understand exactly how that information translates into your contraception or conception plan, as explained below.
Oh, and by the way, if you sneak down to the end of this page you'll see a information on a handy little device that will cut out a ton of the more difficult charting and interpreting of results. So if you want to cheat a little, we won't tell anyone!
Lets jump right in.
There are three indictors that you will take note of each morning.
1. Cervical Mucus
The samples of cervical mucus should be taken from the entrance of the vagina, using your finger or a piece of toilet paper. You will begin to notice the different qualities of the discharge, whether it is wetter feeling, 'stringier' and more elastic texture or more transparent. This information is noted down on the track sheet. The peak day of your cycle is the day that the mucus feels stretchiest in comparison to the other days of your cycle.
The peak day of mucus is the last day that you feel this particularly fertile mucus. We wait for three subsequent days to make sure that that last feeling of fertile mucus was truly the last day those qualities were present. If in those three days new mucus displaying very fertile qualities appears, you will have to reassess your mucus and again wait three days from what you determine to be the peak. Additionally, if the temperature assessment does not match up with your mucus discharge and more mucus of fertile quality is present, you will begin assessing the peak as well.
2. Basal Body Temperature
Basal body temperature is a term you will come across often. It simply means your body temperature (taken under the tongue) in the morning before eating or moving around. Take your temperature and note it down on a track sheet. It is preferable to use an EU certified, high-precision digital thermometer.
The rounded off temperature should be noted down as follows: Between 0.03°C and 0.07°C (including both) we'll round up/down to 0.05°C or to the next lower/higher decimal. Examples: 36.22°C would become 36.20°C; 36.23°C would become 36.25°C; 36.27°C would become 36.25°C; 36.28°C would become 36.30°C.
The temperature should be measured as follows:
- Temperature is rising if there are three consecutive temperatures that are all higher than the six previous ones.
- The third of these temperatures has to be two decimals higher than the highest value of the six previous ones.
- We'll draw a reference and separation line across the six highest temperatures previously reached.
- Exception #1: If the third temperature is not two decimals higher, then you'll have to take a 4th temperature, which also has to be higher than the six previous ones (although not exactly two decimals).
- Exception #2.: Amongst, the three temperatures after, the rise in temperature, could be one temperature that comes in lower or higher than the reference line.
- The two exceptions cannot be combined.
There are various factors that can affect the temperature, and they vary from person to person and therefore should be assessed individually. Reasons for an unrelated change in temperature are: Usage of different thermometers, taking the temperature incorrectly or differently, taking the temperature at odd times, change of environment (due to traveling, holidays, or climate change), stress or excitement, alcohol consumption, illness, bad/short sleep, medication, total lack of sleep, etc. Temperatures taken under any of these factors are noted down in brackets and are not taken into account.
3. Cervix Positioning
The German Sympto-Thermal method substitutes examination of cervical discharge with examination of the cervix. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), the examination of the cervix is just as important as the examination of discharge as well as the temperature.
The cervix is hard, is positioned low inside the vagina, and closed during infertile days. During fertile days it is the opposite. Soft, open, and in a positioned high within the vagina.
The assessment parameters are:
The cervix is hard, is positioned low inside the vagina, and closed during infertile days. During fertile days it is the opposite. Soft, open, and in a positioned high within the vagina.
The assessment parameters are:
- If the cervix is very open, soft and is positioned high up in the vagina, it is the most fertile point of the cycle.
- The infertile period starts on the night of the third day the cervix has appeared closed and hard.
- This only applies when the temperature doesn't indicate otherwise.
Interpretation of Other Symptoms
Sensitivity of the breast and ovarian pain are symptoms we cannot rely on, as they vary from person to person. However, they can be useful in order to back up other indicators such as temperature and discharge. Therefore we'll only write down these symptoms in abbreviated form.
Determination of the Infertile Period at the Beginning of the Cycle
Your cycle and charting begins on DAY 01, the first day of your menstrual bleeding.
Please note that throughout the first cycle of using this method, it is advised to assume fertility from the first day onwards. It is only advised to assume infertility once a rise in temperature has been noticed for at least three consecutive days during the previous cycle and a woman new to the method has not experienced this yet.
Throughout the first eleven cycles, you can assume that the first five days of each are infertile (5-day rule), as long as they fulfill the following two conditions:
- During those 5 days no discharge is experienced (nor should the cervix open up again, once it has closed up after menstruation)
- If the rise in temperature takes place before the 12th day, you'll have to take into account the minus-8 rule as well
The minus-8 rule determines the earliest day, (of the assessed cycles) on which there has been a rise in temperature. From that day onward you will have 8 left.
After having monitored 12 menstrual cycles, you will be able to solely rely on the minus-8 rule (in combination with cervix/discharge examination). In order to achieve this, we will take away 8 days from the earliest date on which the temperature rose. We can assume that infertility will last until that day, unless there is discharge.
Determination of the Infertile Period After Ovulation
The infertile period starts on the night of the third day after the mucus' quality has peaked, or on the night of the third day a rise in temperature has been noticed, depending on what happens first. The infertile period lasts until the period sets in.
Maintaining such charts to learn about your own cycle and fertility can be very enlightening and fulfilling. However, if all these facts and numbers have you feeling a bit in over your head, don't worry. Your not alone.
How Contraceptive Monitors Can Help - The Simple Solution
Contraceptive monitors are an easy way to practice the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) of birth control. No need to interpret body temperatures or do any charting. All you have to do it click a button at the start of your cycle and take your temperature each morning. The data is entered and charted automatically, hassle free.
Cyclotest To The Rescue
Cyclotest is a small handheld device with an integrated digital thermometer that automatically charts your fertility for the easiest experience possible. The Cyclotest is available in the classic blue version or the pink Cyclotest Baby. Both options are is basically the same device, however, the Cyclotest Baby comes with additional software to download fertility charts that will be particularly useful for those who are trying to conceive.
Both Cyclotest and Cyclotest Baby are designed to give you control over and understanding of your fertility without changing the natural harmony of your body. They offer 97% contraceptive reliability just by taking a simple waking temperature in the morning.
Cyclotest 2 Plus - The Absolute Best Contraceptive Monitor for Fertility Awareness
How can the Cyclotest get even better? Welcome to Cyclotest 2 Plus. With this version of Cyclotest you have the option of increasing the contraceptive reliability from 97% to an astonishing 99%.
You are now able to monitor a secondary fertility indicator of either the LH hormone or the appearance of cervical mucus. When one of these two natural indicators is noticed you just press a button and Cyclotest has learned a bit more. That information is added to your automatic charting, and your Cyclotest and it's accuracy are that much greater.
Remember that unlike other contraceptive monitors, Cyclotest is a one-and-done purchase with no need to buy any environmentally unfriendly test sticks every month. Cyclotest, with its amazing functionality and level of accuracy, is sure to be one of the best purchases you ever make!
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