Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Sympto-Thermal Method - 99% Accuracy!

What On Earth Does Sympto-Thermal Mean? 

symptothermal method
The Sympto-Thermal Method of fertility awareness is one of the most empowering and enlightening ways a couple can either increase their chances at conception or avoid conception - completely naturally. The basic idea behind this method is knowing precisely when you ovulate. Once you know when you ovulate, the keys to either safe, natural birth control, or that desired pregnancy are in your hands. So what on earth does Sympto-Thermal mean?

There are a number of different identifiers that signal ovulation.  These symptoms can include cervical mucus variations, a rise in your basal body temperature, elevated LH hormone presence, cervical position, breast swelling, ovulation pains, detectable electrolytes in saliva samples, cycle history and menstruation data.

The Sympto-Thermal Method of Fertility Awareness combines observations of basal body temperature (BBT), cervical mucus, and sometimes cervical positioning. You are watching your symptoms and tracking your temperature, hence the name "Sympto-Thermal".  In order to use this method of tracking your ovulation, all you need is a thermometer, some downloadable charts,  and perhaps some simple training from an experienced practitioner.

Once you know your ovulation date, you can easily calculate your highly fertile days. To use the Sympto-Thermal method for contraception you and your partner can simply abstain or use another form of birth control during that time. To use this method to increase your chances of becoming pregnant- get down to business and have lots of fun during that time! Its simple! 

The Sympto-Thermal Method of birth control has a Pearl Index of 0.4. One hundred precent accurate birth control (which does not exist) would have a rating of zero, so 0.4 is incredibly reliable. It is just as effective as the pill, and even more reliable than an IUD. 

How Did Fertility Charting As a Science Come About?

The first organization to teach a Sympto- Thermal Method was founded in 1971 by lay Catholics John and Sheila Kippley.They joined with Dr. Konald Prem in teaching an observational method that relied on all three signs: temperature, mucus, and also cervical position. That original organization is now called Couple to Couple League International. The next decade saw the founding of  Family of the Americas (1977), teaching the Billings method, and the Pope Paul VI Institute (1985), teaching a new mucus-only system called the Creighton Model.

So Is This An Exclusively Catholic Methodology? 

Nope! Because of Biblical interpretations, practicing Catholics observe these methods of birth control, and are therefore motivated to research them. However, thanks to them, we can now all benefit  from this highly effective environmentally friendly and hormone free methodology. 

The first secular teaching organization was the Fertility Awareness Center in New York, founded in 1981. Toni Weschler started teaching Fertility Awareness in 1982 and published the bestselling book,  Taking Charge of Your Fertility, in 1995. Justisse, another Fertility Awareness organization which teaches the Sympto-Thermal Method was founded in 1987 in Edmonton, Canada. 

Within the past few years, as society becomes more health conscious, the Sympto-Thermal Method of contraception is becoming more popular and widespread.  Women are taking charge of their fertility once again, especially as they become educated on the health risks associated with hormonal forms of contraception. Although the Catholic organizations are still larger than the secular fertility awareness movement, independent secular teachers have become increasingly common throughout the 1990s and 2000s.

How Can I Get Started?

Getting started with fertility charting can be as easy as getting a thermometer and pencil and downloading one of our fertility charts. Take your temperature each morning, fill in the fertility chart, and watch for your unique pattern to  emerge. Soon, you'll be able to pinpoint your fertility window and have the knowledge to make empowered decisions.  

Or, if you want an even simpler method, check out Cyclotest. Cyclostest is a handy little computerized device with a built in thermometer that will allow you to track your fertility with ease and confidence. Just take your temperature under the tongue each morning, and all your information will be automatically entered into a chart that will clearly show your highly fertile window. Just like that, you acquire the amazing liberation of being hormone free and in completely in-sync with your body. 

Take a look at the original article here: http://ethicalfamilyplanning.com/sympto-thermal-nfp

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