Thursday, 7 November 2013


We were young and in love, married for 4 years, and ready to open a new chapter of our lives. 
And it went just as we planned. I stopped taking the pill, my period resumed, and within a few months we were gleefully prancing around our small living room waving the positive pregnancy test in the air. The months that followed were full of anticipation, ultrasounds, and baby furniture buying.

Everything seemed so simple yet so grand; as if the entire cosmic universe was coming together to make our transition into parenthood breathtaking. Then, one cold November morning, Dusten decided the time had come. We nervously, slowly - ah, those glorious contractions - walked the halls of the hospital towards the delivery room, room 318. And there he was born.

Fast forward 5 years. We were ready for Number Two. More then ready for number two in fact, we had been trying for five months. And it was beginning to get stressful.  

Life was different while we were hoping to conceive Number Two. Trying to stay on top of my accounting job, shuttle Dusten to soccer, make dinner, stay on top of bills, and perhaps spend time with my husband. And then on top of it, the baby thing. There was the burning desire to expand our family coupled with inevitable reality of ‘not this month.’ Yeah, that was stress.

Carrie - Age 36

Sound familiar? You're not alone. The time gap between when a couple decides they are ready for a baby, and when that baby decides to actually come along, can often be longer than anticipated, leading to frustration and disappointment month after month. Then, to add to the stress, studies show that stress itself can impede conception, - so you’ll probably end up stressed about the stress you feel!

Here we’ve compiled three top tips for maintaining balance and serenity as you embark on your journey towards parenthood.

1. Eat A Colorful Diet. No we don’t mean skittles! If you're eating a balanced, energizing diet, chances are you are going to feel balanced and energized. Assess your diet by taking a look at the colors on your plate. Are you eating a naturally colorful diet, abundant with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nutrient dense proteins? Think bright red tomatoes, rich green avocado, wild pink salmon, and blueberries. Be creative, and have fun.

2. Take The Pressure Off By Knowing Your Fertility Window.  Its important to nurture your relationship with your husband, but the thought of a ‘fun date’ or ‘spontaneous sex’ can be quite challenging when you're pinning a lot of hope on each time you make love. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Get your hands on a fertility monitor like Cyclotest Baby, and you’ll know when during the month you can conceive. On those days you can strategically plan to have intercourse, and during the rest of the month you are free to be as spontaneous as you want. Plan date nights for outside of the fertility window, at a time when you can simply enjoy each others company with zero pressure. Play an adult board game, go for a moonlit walk, or just snuggle close on the couch watching TV. When you track your fertility with Cyclotest Baby, you’ll give yourself the gift of clarity, and you’ll be amazed to see how much better you’ll feel when you are able to release that pressure.

3. Keep calm and Carry on. Print out your favorite version and tape it on to your refrigerator or above your desk. Don’t let the small, or even big, bumps in your day or week get you down. Throughout the day, coffee will spill on white shirts, plans will have to change, and expectations will be dashed. Holding on to negative experiences after they occur adds more stress to your body, so it is important to breath and move on.

Put these tips into practice right away, and you’ll see how much better you feel about yourself. Perhaps you’ll even see that elusive plus sign sooner than you’d think!

Monday, 21 October 2013

Getting Your Husband On Board With NFP


You’re interested in natural family planning, but the thought of broaching the topic with your partner sends you into a mild panic attack. Or you’ve been dreaming of going off hormones, but think that a conversation with your husband is not even worth the time; its so obvious the idea will be immediately dismissed. Sound familiar? Well, we’ve got to tell you, you're not alone. In fact, this is one of the top reasons women claim they can’t make the switch over to NFP.

Unfortunately, we can’t say that there is a quick fix solution or offer you magic fairy dust to sprinkle on your husband to make him open to the possibility. Actually though, the first step towards a NFP boils down joint knowledge and communication. Easy to say, but much harder to actually implement. Communicating effectively about sex, and life in general, is the foundation of NFP, and the journey towards a deeper connection starts right now.

From middle school sex ed, all the way through marriage, most men view contraception as primarily a women’s problem. She ovulates and gets her period, she takes the pill, she represses her fertility, and she takes care of business to insure “worry free” sex.

But wait a second. Where is the honesty and communication in that equation? The relationship, the ‘WE’ of the intense bond of a sexual relationship, is mitigated by eliminating the need to discuss the aspect of fertility and sex.  Sex is a powerful and intimate experience, one that is constantly changing and evolving, and should be a central discussion in any committed relationship. But in all honesty, it’s just not that easy to communicate lovingly and sensitively about the topic of sex. And the longer we can go without mentioning it, the more we tend to fall into repetitive, perhaps negative, habits.

Many women think that their husband or partner will push aside the idea of NFP as a contraceptive method, but in fact, as an NFP teacher, I find that once men gain the knowledge and are explained the logic of an alternative method, they can see the appeal and agree that it might be time for a shift. Look into the local NFP courses offered in your area, and see if they have an introductory presentation. Have information on hand before you broach the subject, then make it a joint exploration, even a date night where the two of you explore your joint fertility heath.  

When you start the dialogue about NFP with your partner, remember that you are in a loving, mutually respectful relationship. No husband wants his wife to be exposed to harmful chemicals that have short term side effects and potential long term health hazards.

Your partner wants the best for you. He wants you to be healthy, happy, and secure. He wants to be involved and invested, willing to look at fertility as a ‘OUR issue’ instead of ‘YOUR issue.’ And above all, both you and your partner want to develop the art and language of positive communication. A discussion about NFP and birth control is only the first step in a wondrous journey of communicating effectively. Because after all, if you can make communicating lovingly about sex a habit in your marriage, you’ll be able to communicate lovingly about just about anything else. 
With Special Thanks To Ira Winter RN MSc BSc CFCP at Life FertlityCare
To learn more about the benefits of NFP visit .

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Q&A About Getting Pregnant After Using Hormonal Contracpetion

stop using hormones and conceive
Congratulations! You are off the pill and are ready to take the first steps towards bringing a new baby into your family. This is an exciting chapter in you and your partner's lives, one full of fresh and exciting hopes and dreams.

Q: How long after taking the pill can we start trying to conceive?

A: After making the decision that the time is right to have a baby, of course you want to see the positive sign on the pregnancy test right away. Any delay can be really difficult! But women are often advised to wait roughly three months after coming off the pill before trying to get pregnant.

Three months is approximately how long the body takes to get back to its natural rhythm after experiencing a surge in hormones. In some cases, it can take up to 18 months for the hormonal balance required for pregnancy to be restored. This is especially common if a combined pill (progesterone/estrogen) was used.

So while you can feel free to get busy trying right away, don't be alarmed if it takes you a while as your body adjusts and tries to find its natural hormonal balance. 

Q: What should I know about becoming pregnant after coming off a three-month hormonal injection cycle? 

A:Trying to get pregnant after coming off a cycle of the three month injection method of birth control has an even greater disadvantage. As a result of the injection dramatically altering the cervical mucus, it is commonly advised to wait twelve months or even longer conceive.

Its hard to get away from it, the bottom line is that an influx of hormones will alter you body's natural rhythm, and you may have to wait quite a while to actually become pregnant. This waiting time can be agonizing - after all, the reason you stopped using contraception was so that you could finally see the long awaited plus sign on the pregnancy test!

Q: What can I do restore my natural system after coming off hormones?

It is clear that traditional birth control methods, with their hormonal altering substances, are going to take a toll on the natural system of your body, and can affect your general health and your desire to become pregnant. The liver filters all the toxins out of our body and is especially taxed by the overload of synthetic hormones. Additionally, the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, that are in charge sending hormonal messages, are also thrown out of balance with the influx of synthetic hormones.

Fresh wholesome foods can help you detox your body and bring it back to its natural state of functioning. Protein, healthy fats, and fiber aid in hormonal production while green leafy vegetables are critical in detoxing the liver. Medication can also cause a general depletion of vitamins so be sure to eat a rich varied diet and supplement your intake with a with a multi or prenatal vitamin.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Why NFP Is Relevant Now - With Ira Winter RN MSc BSc CFCP

A new dawn is rising on Natural Family Planning, one that brings hope and reliability for those searching for a wholesome, and empowering, and drug-free way to avoid pregnancy.

Where previous NFP methods were mostly calendar based, focused on pre-occurring information and translating it into a contraceptive plan that was supposed to work here-and- now, current methods won’t even take the previous menstruation date into consideration. How could that be? Well, modern NFP is not about the length of your cycle at all! It uses scientific markers, and can work predictably for those with irregular cycles, going through menopause, and even breastfeeding mothers who still have not experienced the return of menstruation.

The key to successful NFP is being aware of the fertility signs as and when ovulation is happening. If you can wake up in the morning, and be connected enough with your body to say, with confidence, “Hey, I’m fertile today” or “Nope, not fertile right now”  — now that is empowering. That is cutting edge. And that is the modern NFP.

NFP has gone through a transformation, but so has our general health, especially in regards to fertility. There seems to be an ever increasing number of couples who want to start a family are finding it simply impossible to conceive. IVF clinics, the cure-all for any fertility related issues, are popping up in every city and town. But what is causing the collapse of our ability to conceive naturally? Could it be our relationship to our fertility throughout our lives, an overdose of hormones, and our tendency to medicate out of the “problem” of fertility is affecting our ability to conceive  when it becomes the most important thing in the world?

When you open the door to modern NFP, you’ll undoubtedly be surprised at what you find.

Want an alternative to contraception that allows you to put your health first and is not laden with chemical hormones - you’ve got it here.

Want a family planning solution that is at the same time reliable but in-line with your faith? This may very well be the answer you're looking for.

Want birth control that gives you the tools to be connected with your powerful and beautiful femininity ? Again, you’ve found your ally.

Maybe you’re in a close and committed relationship, and you feel suppressed and invalidated by closing the door on a conversation about sex and conception because you automatically are expected to take a pill every morning. Well, the wellspring of deep connectedness that evolves from taking on NFP as your contraceptive decision together with your spouse will be a breath of fresh air.

In our world of 24 hour news, non-stop sharing, and the constant flow of information, it is a wonder why women are still sitting in the dark when it comes to their fertility. It is time to embrace the new era, an era where you are able to make informed decisions about your body, where nature is once again finding her voice in our fast paced world, and where you can finally feel completely at peace with natural, and ethical, family planning. 

Special Thanks to Ira Winter RN MSc BSc CFCP at Life FertilityCare for making this blog post possible. 
To learn more about the wide ranging benefits of NFP visit .

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Sharing Natural Options and Products with Great Midwives

We at RDO Medical were recently invited to 'National Midwives Day" in Girona, Spain. It was a great sunny day with a festive atmosphere where midwives from all over the country were present to exchange ideas, meet their colleagues, share experiences, and enjoy a glass or two of Cava!

RDO Medical presented our fantastic range of products that really meet the needs of midwives and their clients.

We found that generally, midwives who are also specialists in contraception and post natal contraception, are on the look out for reliable yet non-hormonal birth control options, especially for breast feeding mothers.

It makes sense then that so many midwives were enthusiastic about the FemCap. They saw it as the perfect solution to offer to breast feeding mothers, because it is a non-hormonal barrier but does not interefer wit hthe natural sensation and pleasure the way condoms can,

Many women find that they feel better, are free of annoying side effects, and are generally more in-sync with their bodies after they have been hormone free for their entire pregnancies. Once post- natal fertility returns, who wants to go back to hormonal contraception anyway?  The Cyclotest was seen as the best way to keep a women who desires it hormone free. 

A simple daily temperature reading and maybe a button press when the highly fertile cervical mucus arrives is enough to offer 99% contraceptive reliability. Since the Sympto-Thermal method was agreed on as the chosen Natural Family Planning method by those in attendance, the Cyclotest, which is the only Sympto-Thermal monitor on the market, was the star of the show.

Any midwife who does home births has gotten thier fare share of 4am calls when an expectent mother is not sure if her waters have broken. The Vision Amniotic Leak Detecting Pads were met with great realif as the Midwives now have a simple solution to offer clarity in those situations. Just have the client put on the pad, wait for a bit of time, and check the color indicator. It will clearly show if its party time, or if the wait is not quite over yet. 

Amongst our range of other products presented which include the French Letter Vegan Condoms, YES organic lubricants, and the newly launched FemmyCycle menstrual cup, which actually caused a big buzz.

 It just so happens a lot of the midwives in attendance are already big fans of the Mooncup. As trained medical professionals these ladies easily saw the massive design and construction advantage of the FemmyCycle when placed along side a Mooncup. Medical grade silicone, the non-spill lip/neck and the smoothness for easier cleaning made it evident at a glance that the FemmyCycle  is the new generation of menstrual cup.

Our day at the confrence was not all work and no play!

An amazing lunch was enjoyed by all in truly breathtaking  surroundings, we were able to expand our networking across many great new professionals and meet again with those from previous training sessions that we had delivered. We managed to get signed copies of Silvia de Bejar's new book, Deseo, all still having time to  hare our product knowledge with all those in attendance.

All of the products which we presented are of course available through our website,

We'd like to say a big thank you to the Midwives Assosiation for being invited to your wonderful conference, and give a big virtual hug to all those great, welcoming people we met.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Surprise! The Pill Linked to Cancer

In 2007 the World Health Organization determined that oral contraceptives were Group I carcinogens, which are capable of causing several cancers in women, including breast cancer.  Unfortunately their findings have yet to be published in mainstream media, therefore many doctors aren’t aware of the risks and continue to prescribe oral contraceptives to their patients.

A new study widens this risk to include African-American women.  Scientists at Boston University School of Medicine followed 53,848 African-American women for an average of 12 years, beginning in 1995.  They found 789 cases of breast cancer.  Of these cases, the number of estrogen receptor-negative cases was 65% greater in women who had used the pill.  Such breast cancers have a worse prognosis than estrogen receptor-positive tumors.  The risk for breast cancer was greatest in women who had used the pill within five years and whose use was greater than ten years.

Funding for the study was provided by the National Cancer Institute.


Oral Contraceptive Use and Estrogen/Progesterone Receptor–Negative Breast Cancer among African American Women:

There Are Alternatives!

Hormonal contraception is easy to use and easy for doctors to prescribe, but is not the only contraceptive choice out there.  Take a look around our site and educate yourself about other options before you make a decision. Make sure you read our information on side effects and pollution. Not because we're anti-pill but just because we know that not enough balanced information is presented to a woman when seeking contraceptive advse from her Doctor.          

Remember, only one egg per cycle is produced in fertile women and that egg can only be fertilized for about 18 hours. By just avoiding intercourse or using a barrier contraceptive during your most fertile time, pregnancy can be avoided without having to constantly alter your hormonal balance. Take a look at our information on fertility awareness, fertility charting and contraceptive monitors like Cyclotest.         

Check it out, do your homework, and speak with your partner and doctor about alternative forms of birth control!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Sex For Pregnancy - When and How Often?

No one wants love making to become a chore. Learn to maximize your sex during your most fertile time period so the rest of the month you can keep your sex life spontaneous and impulsive. Because at the end of the day, how often you have sex is not nearly as important as having sex at the right time.

Sex During the Fertile Window

A women is fertile for only a few hours each cycle. Add those hours to the lifespan of the man’s sperm and you have a fertile window of roughly five or six days. Many couples’ attempts to conceive are unsuccessful simply because they are having sex when getting pregnant is unlikely or even impossible.

Its simple. Couples who know when they are fertile and use this information to time their intimacy accordingly are more likely to get pregnant than those who don't. This knowledge alleviates the pressure that couples experience when they feel they "have to" have sex almost every day in order to increase their chances at conception. When you have the confidence to time your intimacy perfectly, you can have sex as often as you'd like. Some doctors do recommend having sex every other day within the fertile window for the maximum probability of becoming pregnant.

But because ovulation occurs hidden, deep within your body, it can be difficult to identify exactly when it takes place. Luckily, child planning monitors such as Cyclotest Baby display and forecast when you are fertile and ovulating based on your personal cycle data. Take a look below for more information on Cyclotest Baby

Lovemaking Tips for Conception

You just need one sperm out of millions to reach and impregnate your fertile egg, so here are some tips to help that process along.

Successful lovemaking
✺ Avoid anything that could alter the natural vaginal environment including saliva or lubricant creams. It is best to also avoid washing with soap immediately before intercourse.

✺ Choose a position in which the woman is lying beneath the man.

✺ Prop your pelvis up with pillows during sex so that the sperm can flow directly into the neck of the uterus.

✺ Avoid standing up during sex.

✺ Lay still with your pelvis propped up after sex.

Avoid Pressure and Frustration

When a couple decides to stop using contraception and try for a baby pressure filled sex can become a serious strain on the relationship. Couples often feel they have to have sex all the time and hope that they will 'get lucky' and the sperm will find a vital egg. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable and fun; if it is something on the calendar that you have to get done, it can quickly loose that spark. Moreover, when a man is faced with the pressure to perform, he can often experience erectile dysfunction and a pronounced loss of libido.

As a couple, find your personal balance between child-planning sex and and spontaneous sex outside the fertile phase.

A fertility monitor plays an important role in keeping your sex life relaxed and enjoyable. When you have the information of precisely when you ovulate, you no longer feel the need to have sex all the time; you can plan one or two love making randevús during your fertility window, and leave the rest of the month for your natural sex drive to take over.

Cyclotest Baby To The Rescue

cylotest baby
Cyclotest Baby is a small handheld device with an integrated digital thermometer that automatically charts your fertility and gives you a clear visual of what days are optimal for baby-making sex.

There are only a few days each month that you are able to conceive, and many couples don't have a clear idea of when that time is. They either try to overcompensate by having sex all the time and sacrifice the exhilaration sex is supposed to bring, or under perform and do not end up having sex at a time when lovemaking could lead to pregnancy leaving them disappointed and frustrated. The Cyclotest Baby gives you indispensable clarity and understanding. It is so simple to use, and yet can completely transform the time period that you are trying to conceive.

cylotest baby
All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

No more guessing ovulation dates or trying to figure out difficult charts. No more sex as a baby-making chore. With one simple device and a few seconds in the morning, you will be in relaxed, excited, and in control as you begin your journey towards parenthood.

Read the original article on our website:

Creating Life - The Basics

A fascinating syntheses of factors must join together at the perfect time for life to be created inside a women's womb. The relatively simple process of a sperm cell that is capable of fertilizing, and an egg cell that is capable of being fertilized, is just the tip of the iceberg. Beneath these two factors are a myriad of other systems that unite with absolute precision in order to form conception.

The Basics of Female Fertility

After ovulation, the egg cell is capable of being fertilized for only 12-18 hours per cycle. For this reason, the timing must be exactly right for pregnancy to occur. Because a woman only ovulates once per cycle, if she has a relatively short cycle, a women might only be fertile for fourteen days out of the entire year!

If the egg cell is not fertilized during the few hours that it is viable, it dissolves in to the uterine lining and menstruation begins two weeks later.

The following is a basic outline of some of the elements that make up the female reproductive cycle.

✺ The egg stored in the ovary must mature normally and then leave the ovary during what is known as ovulation

✺ The Fallopian tubes picks up and receives the egg from the surface of the ovary using its fimbriae (finger-like projections).

✺ The woman's vaginal passages open to allow the sperm to enter the Fallopian tubes where the sperm can fertilize the egg.

✺ The fertilized egg is transported into the uterus

✺ Sperm cells must be created in sufficient numbers, quality, and motility.

✺ The sperm cells have to be present at the exact time an viable egg is released n the fallopian tubes

✺ The uterine lining must be prepared to receive the egg and allow impregnation

Male Fertility - The Patient Sperm

When a man ejaculates, several million sperm swim through the vagina and, if they find suitable conditions, it is only a matter of a few minutes before the first sperm cells enter the uterus itself. From there, they continue their journey towards the fallopian tubes where they wait to connect with an egg. Any sperm that did not immediately make it to the fallopian tubes make themselves comfortable in the folds of the uterine lining, and after some time has passed, begin their own slow journey towards the fallopian tubes.

If there is a viable egg waiting in the fallopian tubes, meaning the women ovulated that day, one single lucky sperm will penetrate the egg and the magic of a new life begins. After that first sperm has penetrated, the egg membrane hardens blocking the entry of any other sperm.

If the sperm enters the fallopian tubes and does not find an egg waiting to greet it, the sperm will hang out for up to five days waiting for the egg to be released. This is why the fertility window, the window of time during which a couple can conceive, is around five days and not just the one day the egg is viable.

 A Boy or A Girl?

Semen contains two types of sperm, X sperm and Y sperm. If X sperm penetrates the egg, the baby will be a girl. If Y sperm penetrates the egg, the baby will be a girl. All semen contains virtually the same number of X and Y sperm, so it is a race to  the finish line to determine if the baby will be a boy or a girl. Fastest sperm wins.

There are some methods, such as the Shettles Method, that analyze the different characteristics of X and Y sperm to try to aid in the conception of a the desired sex. Male sperm are faster but die quicker, female sperm are slower but will last longer inside the uterus.

If a couple tracks their fertility, they will be able to determine the exact date of ovulation. If they have sex on the day of ovulation, it is more likely that a fast swimming boy sperm will make it to the egg first. If they have sex before the date of ovulation, when the sperm has to sit around for a bit waiting for the egg to be released, chances are the heartier girl sperm will be there to greet the egg.

Note that you probably will not want to limit your intimacy during your fertile window if achieving a pregnancy is more important to you then having a specific gender baby.

Timing is Everything

Timing is everything, and nowhere is that more true then when you are trying to get pregnant. Because the egg is only viable for such a short amount of time, it is easy for you and your partner to inadvertently not have sex during the fertile window and miss the chance to conceive. If this happens month after month, you may end up frustrated and confused, the desire for a pregnancy taking a toll on your relationship and everything around you.

Cyclotest Baby can aid conception
Avoid the heartache by tracking your fertility as soon as you start trying for a baby.Many couples are not getting pregnant simply because they often only have sex with their partners at times when conceiving is unlikely or even impossible. You can significantly increase your chances of conception by having sex during your fertile times. First, you must acquire a true understand your unique fertility window, and not simply guess your ovulation date from the midpoint of your cycle.

With a fertility monitor like Cyclotest Baby, you will have access to intimate knowledge about your fertility and within three months have a 68% chance of becoming pregnant.All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

Find the original article here:

Vitamins For Increasing Fertility

vitamins for fertility and pregnancy
Stay healthy and increase your fertility by incorporating healthy, varied, vitamin rich foods into your diet, and supplementing with a multivitamin. Creating a new life is a complicated process, and each vitamin or mineral has a unique role in keeping your hormones perfectly balanced and making sure all necessary reproductive functions working perfectly.

Don't forget to engage your partner is this process –– vitamins are important for him as well! Vitamins play a key role in keeping the structure and make up of sperm healthy and able to easily able to impregnate the egg.

The body best absorbs vitamins from whole foods, so your first evaluate your eating habits and make sure you are eating an assortment of vitamin rich foods. Don't graze on empty calories. By staying focused on eating well and you are staying focused on optimizing your fertility and protecting the fetus growing side of you.

It is also beneficial to supplement your diet with a multivitamin. There are some vitamins, such as folic acid, which are extraordinarily important in the forming of a healthy fetus, and are hard to get in adequate amounts through food alone. Taking a prenatal vitamin from the time you begin trying to conceive will ensure you are stocking up on all the right nutrients and will increase your chances of getting pregnant and gving birth to a healthy perfect baby.

Vitamin A

Think of Vitamin A as the foundation vitamin. It serves the role of allowing alll the other vitamins that are essential to reproductive health to be absorbed into the body. Vitamin A also aids in the creation of male and female sexual hormones, supports the body’s defenses, and has antioxidant properties.

Get Vitamin A from egg yolks, oily fish, butter,  and orange colored fruit & vegetables.

Folic acid

The importance of this B-Complex vitamin can not be understated. It allows for the creation of healthy cells, and has been shown to greatly reduce the risk of Spina Bifida and other birth defects of the spine and brain. Doctors recommend taking a folic acid supplement for at least three months before you conceive to help build a supportive environment for the fetus and improve fertility.

Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans, peas and nuts, but it can be hard to consume the amount doctors recommend. We highly encourage you to take a supplemental folic acid vitamin.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, the second component to the B-Complex family, it harmonizes the female sexual hormones and has been shown to increase fertility.

It can be found in lean meat, eggs, dairy products, bananas, avocados, seeds, lentils , and wholemeal products.

Vitamin B12

Is one of the most important vitamins for reproductive health in both men and women. It supports sperm production and enables the creation of cell DNA and RNA to insure normal genetic makeup. It allows for the absorption of iron, and supports egg maturation prior to ovulation.

Vitamin B12 is found in meat, fish, and dairy products.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is helpful aid to the fertility both partners. In men, it promotes healthy sperm mobility from by preventing the sperm cells from sticking to one another. In women, it is a vital antioxidant that increase the the immune system and stabilizes hormonal levels. However, women should be careful because too much Vitamin C can cause the cervical mucus to become dry.

One of the best sources of vitamin C is citrus fruits. It is also found in berries, kiwis, cabbage, broccoli, spinach.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is  known for strengthening bones and teeth, but new research shows that couples undergoing IVF treatments who take a vitamin D supplement are more likely to achieve a pregnancy.

Vitamin D is found in egg yolks, oily fish, butter.


This mineral supports the creation of the alkalized environment best suited for a fertilized egg to implant and grow into a healthy baby.

Calcium can be found in milk, broccoli, nuts, and seeds.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E aids in the absorption of the essential fatty acids that produce hormones necessary for reproduction. It is an important element for healthy skin, nerves, and muscles, and creation of red blood corpuscles that have a direct result on reproductive capacity.

Good sources of Vitamin E are eggs, nuts, seeds, and wholemeal products.


Iron is critical to the production of healthy viable eggs. A study showed women who used iron supplements had  40 percent less risk of producing nonviable eggs than those with iron deficiency. Pregnant women can also easily become anemic and are often encouraged to take an iron supplement.

High levels of iron are found in red meat, spinach, blackstrap molasses and lentils.

Optimize Your Body for Fertility

There is nothing more natural then the body's ability to reproduce. This unbelievable complex yet basic function has kept the world turning since the beginning of time, however, our modern lifestyle can upset our natural rhythm and cause fertility issues. When you are trying to conceive, it is wise to be especially careful about what enters your body. Make sure you avoid unhealthy foods and substances that can toxify the body and stock your body with vitamins and minerals that will help you harness the remarkable power of reproduction that lies within your body.

Read the original article here:

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant?

pregnant couple
Its great to see the world through rose colored glasses, but during the time when you are trying to conceive, you just might start seeing the world through baby-colored glasses. Everywhere you look you see women putting a protective hand over their pregnant bellies, checking out the latest baby gear, or pushing a stroller merrily down the street.

You want to get pregnant, and you want it quickly. But don't stress. Conception is a natural process that will vary in length between each women, and being patient will keep you clam and happy during this exciting time.

Without medical assistance, 60% of women get pregnant within six months of coming off contraception, and 85% will conceive within one year. Half of the remaining 15% will get pregnant naturally over the next few years. If you want to dramatically increase those numbers, it can be useful to track your fertility with a monitor such as Cyclotest Baby.

These monitors allow you to pinpoint your specific date of ovulation and time your intimacy accordingly. Studies show that 38% of women who monitor their fertility this way get pregnant after 1 cycle, 68% after 3 cycles and 81% after 6 cycles. Only 8% of women don't get pregnant with in a year, and of those, half conceived naturally with int the next few year.

Average Conception Rates

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pregnant           60 %           85 %
not pregnant           40 %           15 %

Conception Rates Through Sex On The Fertile Days

Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
pregnant     68 %     81 %           92 %
not pregnant     32 %     19 %           8 %

cylotest baby
Many women are not getting pregnant simply because they often only have sex with their partners at times when conceiving is unlikely or even impossible. You can significantly increase your chances of conception by having sex during your fertile times. First, you must acquire a true understand your unique fertility window, and not simply guess your ovulation date from the midpoint of your cycle.

With a fertility monitor like Cyclotest Baby, you will have access to intimate knowledge about your fertility and within three months have a 68% chance of becoming pregnant. All it takes is a few seconds each morning to take your waking temperature, and a flashing baby will appear on the screen. One flashing baby signifies fertility, two flashing babies and you are highly fertile. If no baby shows up on the screen, the chances of becoming pregnant from sex on that day are slim. This allows you to plan your love life around your baby wishes, and increases your chances of conceiving dramatically, and also allows for flexibility the rest of the month.

Age Influences Fertility

Age is a very significant factor when it comes to fertility. You are born with all the eggs you will ever produce, and as you age, these eggs mature. Around 30 years old, although there a probably no outward symptoms of reproductive aging, fertility begins to decrease. 75% of couples with the women above age 35 will still be able to conceive naturally, but that means that 1/3 will not. It is advisable for these couples to consult with a fertility expert if they do not become pregnant after six months of trying.

Fertility Consultants Can Help

If you are trying to conceive but have not been successful within six months to a year, your doctor who may recommend seeing a fertility expert. During the first visit the consultant does access to your personal data, so the meeting probably simply be an informative chat from which the process of testing and collecting data can begin.

However if you have been charting your fertility with Cyclotest Baby, and you have a complete cycle history, menstruation dates, temperature charts, BBT records, that first consultation will look very different. You will be many steps ahead in the game, and that can lead to an early diagnosis of some conditions.

Don't be alarmed or ashamed if you need to seek expert advice about your fertility. Science has come very far in the past few years, and many times minor interventions can easily result in that pregnancy you've been dreaming of.

Read original article here

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Environmental Pollutants and Fertility

pregnancy planing and environment

Perhaps you've overheard the news reports or glanced at the articles. You're aware that environmental pollutants are a growing concern, but now, as you are trying to expand your family, it is becoming particularity important that you pay attention to these findings. Analyses show that pesticides, plastics, cleaning agents, and other chemicals we are exposed to on a daily basis contain toxic substances which disrupt our hormonal balance and increase our risk for infertility. Arm yourself with knowledge and learn about your options as you and your partner start on the journey towards parenthood.

Pregnancy Planning And The Environment

According to a press release issued by Friends of the Earth, there are over 300 recently developed substances our bodies can store that cause hormonal imbalance. Furthermore, women who are exposed to heavy metals such as lead, aluminum or cadmium are more likely to have irregular cycles and suffer from even more dramatic hormonal fluctuations. To enable your body's natural detoxification system to work properly and insure hormonal balance, it is important to take measures to avoid these harmful substances.

Limit Pesticide Consumption

The only way to remove pesticides from the surface of fruits and vegetables is by peeling them or removing the outer layers of leafy vegetables.But sometimes its not quite practical to peel everything - imagine trying to peel bunch of grapes! For those fruits and veggies that you can not peel, the go-to method of rinsing under water hardly removes the harmful residues. After peeling, the best way to remove pesticides is by soaking your produce for 10-30 minutes in a solution of water with a bit of dishwashing detergent or vinegar.

If you don't have the patience to soak your produce, a produce spray, available in most healthfood stores, is also a good option. Spray your produce and wash thoroughly before eating. You can also create your own produce spray by mixing up a 3:1 water to vinegar solution to keep in a spray bottle by your sink.

Nutritionist advise including a wide variety of fruit and vegetables into your diet to avoid ingesting too much of one particular pesticide.

Protect Yourself Against Plastics

Until recently, no one thought twice about our bombardment with plastics - plastic bottles, plastic food wrappers, plastic dishes, plastic bags and plastic containers for everything - but today, there is growing concern among scientists about these products.

Dramatic hormonal alterations were found in those who had high levels of the chemical compound Bisphenol A (BPA) that is common in plastics. One study proved that women who experienced one or more miscarriages had triple the concentration of Bisphosphate A in their blood than women who had never suffered a miscarriage. Another highlighted a scary phenomena where male workers developed breast after inhaling dust containing BPA.

Take these steps to protect yourself, especially if you are trying to get pregnant.

1. Use plastic containers and tableware that are clearly marked BPA-Free or that do not contain any softening agents. If you cannot determine this clearly from the product description or label, don't buy the product.

2. Do no cook or reheat food in plastic. Do not use plastic containers in a microwave oven.

3. When you buy food sealed in a plastic film, remove the food from the packaging straight away and store it in a suitable container. Be especially careful to avoid keep high-fat foods in plastic containers as Xenoestrogens are easily transferred to foods with a high fat content.

4. When you buy hard cheese sealed in plastic film, scrape the surface with a knife before consuming.

5.  Use glass bottles! Water is probably the most important ingredient in a healthy diet and detoxification regime, and there has been a huge increase in the consumption of bottled water. However, while this bottled water might be filtered, because it is stored in plastic, it absorbs BPA. We recommend you refill your own non-plastic water bottle instead of using toxic plastic bottles.

Avoid Heavy Metals

You might not realize just how often you are exposed to heavy metals. Aluminum cookware, metal cans, foil coatings, and even the material used to correct teeth are also causing concern among the scientific community for their high levels of BPA and other toxic substances. Below we will address some of the more common metals and their effect on fertility, and what you can do to avoid them.


Scientific studies have shown that aluminum impairs the absorption of nutrients and can negatively impact fertility. Aluminum is found in everyday goods such as antacids, deodorants, anti-clumping agents in dried milk, aluminum kitchenware, drink cans, and foil.

- Replace all your aluminum pots and pans with kitchenware made from iron, glass or stainless steel.

- Do not drink carbonated drinks from aluminum cans. Carbonated drinks in cans have high concentration of aluminum from the inner lining of cans that dissolves into the drink.

- Buy aluminum-free deodorants.


You might already know that pregnancy women should avoid fish with high levels of mercury, but you probably don't realize where else mercury is shows up. Mercury is not only unsafe for pregnant women, it has an effect on your ability to get pregnant as well. Studies have shown that Mercury reduces fertility by accumulating in the pituitary gland, which is crucial to stimulating the production of sexual hormones. An alarming finding shows that female dentists and dental assistants, who are often exposed to mercury, have a particularly high rate of miscarriages.

The mercury in your teeth fillings can escape in the form of mercury vapor and pass into our bodies when we consume hot drinks such as tea or coffee, brush our teeth or chew gum. One study, in which over 100 research reports and medical files were assessed, concludes that the accumulation of mercury in the body can cause many different symptoms such as allergies, chronic exhaustion, depressive episodes, flu-like ailments, menstruation complaints, reduced sperm levels, ovulation disorders, and miscarriages.

If you need a tooth filled, ask your dentist for alternatives to the standard metal filling. Special tests can reveal if mercury is escaping from your fillings. If you find that it is, dentist can replace the fillings. However if the test reveals that there is no indication that mercury is passing into your body, you should not have the replacement work done while trying to get pregnant because large amounts mercury could be released during the procedure. Our advice is to have all of your necessary dental treatments completed three months before attempting to get pregnant.


Copper is one of the essential trace elements, but it too can be toxic in high concentrations. The body can absorb copper from water pipes or from contraceptive coils. The main problem with copper is that if its concentration increases too sharply, the absorption of zinc, and important component in fertility, will be impeded.

Try not to wear copper jewelry if you are trying to conceive, and if you cook in copper cookware, make sure the surfaces are not scratched.


Cadmium is a highly toxic heavy metal found in cigarette smoke that has a very harmful effect on male and female fertility. Quit smoking and protect yourself against second hand smoke.

Chemicals in the Home

That fresh, chemical smell that permeates your house after you give it a good cleaning ––you know, the one that smells like a mixture of pine and bleach? Well, many experts believe that these chemicals are actually a great risk to your fertility because of the volatile off-gassing. Its important to live in a clean environment though, so lets take a look at some of the natural alternatives that do just as good, if not a better job, of eliminating those messes.

Vinegar. It's a magic cleaning agent with virtually endless possibilities.

- A dash of vinegar on a damp cloth is ideal for cleaning unvarnished wood.

- Add a few drops to your steam cleaner to it kills house dust mites and bacteria.

- A good alternative to floor cleaners, which contain lots of chemicals: add a cup of vinegar to a bucket of water.

- In a spray bottle, mix vinegar and water in the ratio of 1:1 for a natural window cleaner.

Baking soda also has excellent cleaning properties.

- Create your own room spray by mixing a few drops of essential oil with baking soda.

- For fresh clean carpeting, sprinkle baking soda over it before vacuuming.

While thinking about expanding your family, you might decide that this is the perfect time to expand or redecorate your house. Be careful though, many materials used in renovations have been linked to infertility.

Paints that contain solvents and turpentine substitute release gases which can hang in the air for weeks after the painting work has been finished. Also, new carpets often contain the preservative formaldehyde, which can irritate the mucous membranes of eyes, nose and throat and are generally unhealthy. An American study of women who were suffering from unexplained infertility revealed a high concentration of two chemicals which are present in carpets, leather upholstery and wood preserving agents.

Toiletries and Cosmetics

Many commercial toiletries contain detergents and artificial fragrances which can irritate your skin and mucous membranes. Read labels before making any purchases, and avoid those with chemicals.

For an all natural relaxing bath, try adding dried or fresh fragrant herbs (lavender, rosemary or peppermint), essential oils, or a cup of Epsom salts to warm water. Try switching to natural, organic soap which you can purchase in wholefood shops or pharmacies.

If you want to get pregnant it is best not dye your hair or use any chemical hair treatment that comes in contact with your scalp. Highlights are a good alternative to a full hair dye because to chemicals do not come in contact with the scalp. If you are already pregnant, it is recommended that you wait until your fourth month before dying your hair. There are also wonderful all-natural hair dyes available at health food stores.

Nature Knows Best

For better or for worse, advancements in technology have created a lot of unnatural products and byproducts, but when you are trying to concieve nature is still knows best. Making a baby and becoming parents is one of the miracles of nature that connects you right back to the majestic organic world we live in. Stay one step ahead of the game by keeping your food, environment and lifestyle choices wholesome and natural.

Read the original article here:

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Fertility

pregnancy test
Sexually transmitted diseases are a common cause of fertility issues. Many STDs have mild symptoms, but their affects on conception, and on a fetus fetus if pregnancy is achieved, are hardly mild at all.

Treatment for these diseases is usually simple, and of course, it is always better to diagnose and treat a problem before pregnancy than during pregnancy.

Take a look below at the information we've compiled on common STDs that have a severe impact on your pregnancy plans, and our recommendation for a pregnancy planing check-up requisite for both partners.

Pregnancy-Planning Health Check-up

We recommend all couples who wish to have a baby undergo the following health check-ups:

  • - STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) test

  • -Vaccination status checked and updated

  • -Smear Test performed by your gynecologist

  • - Breast Cancer (and other forms of cancer) exams

  • - HIV test

  • - Overall medical history of both partners

Typical Symptoms of STDs for Women

  • - Itching, sores, tenderness or pain in the vagina

  • - Abnormal vaginal discharge which has an unusual smell or color

  • - Pain when urinating

  • - Pain in the lower abdomen

  • - Discomfort during sexual intercourse

  • - Abnormal bleeding

  • - Lumps or sores in the genital area

Typical Symptoms of STDs for Men

  • - Discharge from the penis

  • - Sores in the genital area

  • - Frequent need to urinate and pain when urinating

  • - Swollen lymph nodes in the groin area

  • - Pain in the testicles or in the prostate

Chlamydia - The Hidden Dangers

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that often goes unnoticed because of its mild systems. For those looking to become pregnant however, Chlamydia is a ticking time bomb. If the infection goes untreated for an extended period of time, 10-40% of women will develop pelvic inflammation. Pelvic inflammation is the cause of numerous fertility and pregnancy related issues.

If chlamydia infection goes untreated, it can spread to the higher reproductive organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The untreated chlamydia infection can also trigger an inflammation of the neck of the uterus resulting in an impaired the uterine lining causing serious fertility issues.

Women infected with chlamydia face an increased risk of miscarrying, developing an ectopic pregnancy, or experiencing premature water-break (amniotic fluid surrounding the unborn child). A study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development concludes that pregnant women who are infected with chlamydia are two to three times more likely to experience a miscarriage.

chlamydia test

As many as one in ten men are infected with chlamydia, and are also at risk for decreased fertility. The infection can often spread to the testicles causing a decrease in the quality and quantity of the sperm. Low sperm count makes conception much less likely, and the compromised quality of the DNA within the sperm can cause problems with the development of a fetus. A man infected with chlamydia is also at risk of unknowingly passing the infection to his partner.

Cyclotest now offers a home testing kit that enables you to discreetly test for Chlamydia in the privacy of your own home. Everything you need to get results is included in the kit with no need to mail in messy lab samples or wait for results. The Cyclotest chlamydia home testing kit delivers results within minutes, so you can start treatment immediately. If you are currently trying to conceive, this knowledge is indispensable.

Gonorrhoea and Fertility

If untreated, gonorrhoea can result in pelvic inflammatory disease and the closing of the fallopian. It can compromises fertility and increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

Yeast Infections and Fertility

Although candida, or yeast infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, it significantly impairs cervical mucus and can therefore affect fertilely. Yeast infections can also prevent you from becoming pregnant simply because they cause sex to be painful, which takes away your desire to have sex. If you experience a burning or itching sensation in the vagina or a white clumpy discharge, make sure to speak to your doctor.

It is important that you get a yeast infection treated before or during pregnancy because your baby can become infected during delivery while passing through the birth canal causing significant and painful diaper rash and oral thrush that often results in difficulties breast-feeding. The vaginal secretions of pregnant women encourage the growth of yeast, therefore infections are quite common during pregnancy.

a safe pregnancy
Yeast infections develop when the yeast that occurs naturally in our bodies becomes too plentiful. An unhealthy growth of candida albicans, or yeast, may occur if you eat foods with a very high sugar content. To avoid contracting a yeast infection, modify your eating habits by avoiding refined sugar and adding live bacteria that helps restore the natural balance of intestinal flora such as that found in live yogurt.

Antibiotics are usually used to combat yeast infections because they easy to take and very effective in eliminating the problem. But although antibiotics are safe, treating the infection naturally, especially during pregnancy, is an even better approach. Probiotic food supplements containing the bacterias acidophiles and bifidobacterium are ideal for warding off yeast infections. Another natural anti-fungal agent is garlic.

To prevent fungal infections, avoid wearing tight-fitting jeans, synthetic underwear, or unnecessary panty-liners. The washing cycles of modern low-temperature washing machines fails to kill off Candida albican spores completely so you may become re-infected by your own underwear. Try increasing the temperature of your washing cycle, or adding a laundry disinfectant to your rinse cycle. It is also a good idea to avoid foods with high sugar contents such as candy, cakes, processed foods, fizzy drinks and alcohol.

Antibiotics and Fertility

Antibiotics taken to treat an infection are necessary to destroy harmful bacteria but can also wipe out beneficial bacteria from the body. This in turn can cause other imbalances, such as fungal infections. To avoid these complications, it is advisable to take a probiotic food supplements with different strains of beneficial bacteria for three months after your antibiotic treatment. Avoid probiotic drinks as they often contain a lot of sugar and end up aiding the fungus in the body.

Importance of Examinations

STDs often go unnoticed and therefore regular examinations are important in order to diagnose and treat the disease as soon as possible. It is especially important to be diagnoses before becoming pregnant as treating STDs during pregnancy can often be much more difficult.

Check out the original article here:

A Healthy Body and A Healthy Mind for Conception

pregnancy planing and environment
As you dream of those tiny baby fingers wrapped around your own, you know one thing for sure - you want to give your baby the best start to life possible. Well, now is the time to give yourself a mind/body makeover because the best start for your baby begins with healthy, happy parents.

10 Rules for Good Nutrition and Reproductive Health

Your commitment to eating wholesome foods will obviously affect your health, minimizing your risks for heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses, but it can also have a direct effect on your sex life and fertility. Current research shows that excess weight can decrease fertility and a Danish study interestingly concluded even if just the man is overweight, fertility can still be effected. So why don't you sit down with your partner and see how many of our 10 Rules for Good Nutrition and Reproductive Health you can integrate into your lives. The benefits will speak for themselves- we guarantee it.

1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Choose wholefoods that are high in fiber.

3. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

4. Eat highly nutritious proteins with every meal.

5. Make sure you have an adequate supply of highly nutritious oils.

6. Never skip breakfast and don’t eat after 8.00 pm.

7.Keep your blood sugar levels constant by eating small meals often. Try eating every three hours.

8. Avoid caffeine and sugar.

9. Choose organic foods when possible.

10. Reduce your intake of the following foods: red meat, saturated fats, ready meals, industrially produced foods and foods with high additive and preservative contents.

Keep Calm and Get Pregnant

Stress has such strong effect on our internal balance that women often find that their periods are interrupted, or stop completely, when they are subjected to extreme levels of stress. The biological havoc that a missed or interrupted period causes is not something you want deal with, especially while you are trying to conceive.

At the same time, many women find that rying for a baby is actually makes them more stressed.  It is normal to be plagued by worry about the pregnancy, fear of disappointment, a myriad of other concerns about pregnacy and parenthood, but remember that it is in your best intrests to relax and let nature take over. Below, we lay out a few tips that can be helpful in decreasing your stress levels and remain calm an relaxed during this monumental time.

- Lower your stress levels by making sure you are getting adequate levels of essential vitamins and minerals

- Eat well. You'll feel better and be less stressed.

- Plan your meals at the beginning of the week. That way, you won't have to worry about what healthy foods to choose when you are hungry.

- Set aside time each day to do an enjoyable and relaxing activity. Put it on your calendar, relaxing is indispensable.

- Meditation classes, yoga, aromatic baths or listening to calming music can help take the edge off a particularly stressful day.

- Make lists. You'll feel great ticking off each task as you accomplish it, and will be less stressed knowing you are taking care of of everything you need to be.

- Avoid unnecessary tasks which may ease your conscience but nevertheless increase your workload.

Get A Good Night Sleep

We tend to think that the real sleep deprivation comes after pregnancy, when your little baby is up yet again, hungry or needing a diaper change, but before you even get to that point, millions of women are putting their fertility at risk by not getting enough sleep.

Sleep recharges every internal system we have, and our reproductive systems are no exception. Without adequate sleep, our bodies focus on the most critical functions, and push anything secondary out of the way. For some women, this means that they will ovulate irregularly, or stop ovulating all together. Additionally, ovulation is shown to occur most often while sleeping, between the hours of midnight and four AM. If you do not respect your bodies need to relax and recharge, it can not take care of these critical functions for you.

A Bit of TLC for Your Body and Baby

Don't underestimate the importance of giving your body a bit of tender loving care while you are trying to conceive. We live in a high paced, stressful world, and many times our most basic critical needs, our physical and mental health, are pushed to the side. Take the time to eat healthy, relax, and sleep well. Your body, and your baby, will thank you.

Read the original article on our website here: